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Geography & Places

Continents of Herrath


The people of Telaran, of the continent Sidurath, who claim to be oldest of all humans, tell the tale of Kimbala, the creation of the universe. In the legend, the stars and ultimately the world of Herrath was created by the power that emitted from the goddess Kimba. From her eyes, the stars were born, and from her laughter the spark of life was created.

Caliopolis - the City Between Continents


Caliopolis is a great city located beween the continents of Felldurath and Sidurath.



Brief overview of Felldurath within the context of Herrath. Its significance to the world's overall story or theme.

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The University of Crownholm


In the shadow of a dark and warmongering king, the kingdom of Vidar teetered on the edge of oblivion. War had come so often that its people were impoverished, starving, and wretched. Fields lay barren, cities in ruin, and the only hope for redemption lay in the death of the king. And Death did come with the whispering sound of a dagger.